New Superhero Novel

I’m excited to announce the release of my new superhero novel, Blue Masked Hero!

Nick McGuire has always felt invisible. The morning after his fifteenth birthday, he actually becomes invisible. And he can move things with his mind. He’s got no clue where these powers came from or what to do with them. Until he saves a guy from an accident and realizes he can use them for good. With the help of his best friend, Maddie, he becomes the Blue Masked Hero.

Being a superhero isn’t as easy as Nick thought. Sure he gets the girl, but he hides things from his parents, can’t keep up with his schoolwork, and is pretending to be someone he’s not. And when his true identity is publicized by someone he trusts, his family is put at risk.

Is it time to hang up the mask or can Nick pull it together before he loses everyone he holds dear?

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