Emily’s Curse


For Emily Wright, turning fifteen changes everything. Because that’s the night she begins her transformation into a monster.

A curse placed on her family hundreds of years ago leaves Emily destined to morph into a half-snake creature with only one intent: to kill. Desperate for a cure, she and her best friend Toby search for answers. What they discover is that there’s more to the curse, which might explain why every member of the male species suddenly lusts for her—and why Toby stares at her in a way a best friend shouldn’t.

As the serpent side battles to take over, Emily races to find the cure before she claims her first victim.

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My legs feel tingly. Hot and cold at the same time. I look down at them. The room starts to spin. I reach for the wall for support, but my hand slips and I crash down. My head knocks into the side of the tub, making it ring like someone blew a whistle through my skull.

I lie flat on the floor of the tub, staring at the ceiling, my head pounding. I think I might throw up. Or die.

After a few minutes, I feel a little better and attempt to get up. But when I try to raise my legs, nothing happens. Did I break my spine? I’m paralyzed?

I raise my head to check out my legs.

I scream.

What is that?

It looks like an alligator. No, a snake, because it has yellow, green, and black scales. And I can see the tip of the tail. It’s in the tub with me, sitting on my legs. What the hell? Did someone get me a snake for my birthday? It could be poisonous.

I put all my weight on my elbows and lift my body into a sitting position. That’s when I realize it’s not a snake in the tub.

I scream again. I don’t stop until my throat dries.

My legs are no longer here. I have a snake tail instead.

I scoot back in the tub. The tail moves along. My head knocks into the wall. Tears shoot out my eyes as more screams erupt from my mouth. I yell for Dad, for Meg, for Toby. But no one comes because no one is home.

I feel dizzy again. My head slumps against the wall as blackness takes over.